Pharmaceutical Journal; 279(7464); 157-158 (2007)
Pharmacy Department, Glan Clwyd Hospital, Rhyl, Denbighshire LL18
A paper in the Pharmaceutical Journal reports how two prescribing aids reduce the likelihood of both prescribing and administration errors. Errors can occur, they say, during the writing of the prescription by doctors, and also during administration by nurses. The errors principally concern calculating the correct dosage and making up the correct strength infusion.
Pre-printed labels
Pre-printed labels are available in all areas where acetylcysteine is stocked, they are adhesive and can be attached to the patient's main drug treatment chart. Completion of the label by both the doctor and nurse is simple and helps to avoid errors.
Electronic prescribing
A computer program was developed so that only three data entries are required on the hospital intranet to generate a correct prescription which gives all the details on dose, infusion volumes and infusion rates.
An electronic prescription has also been developed for paediatric patients.
Keywords: paracetamol, acetylcysteine.
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